Salinas Public Library News
Below is a list of all Salinas Public Library website news articles, with the newest one at the top. To sign up for Salinas Public Library news by email, click here.
Donate to Monterey County Gives and help create a City of readers!

November 26, 2018
We are committed to creating a love of reading in our community. Will you consider helping us?
Our new pilot program called SMART, Salinas Makes A+ Readers Together , provides a virtual card to students in four elementary schools so that students can gain fast and easy access to our library services using heir...
Making the Rounds in the KinderMobile

November 6, 2018
Library staff have had some busy mornings going out to 28 different elementary schools throughout Salinas to visit the Kindergarten children who now have new library cards. Over the last two months the library has issued 1546 new library cards to Kindergarten children in Salinas. The KinderMobile makes it possible for youth to use their...
By the numbers, and much more!

October 30, 2018
Fiscal year 2017/18 has been a year of many new beginnings at the Salinas Public Library. Within this annual report, you’ll hear directly from members of the Salinas community about how they’ve made the Salinas Public Library an important part of their own stories. We look forward to the next chapter, and hope that you’ll...
Paletero bike gets a warm welcome at Ciclovía!

October 11, 2018
"I couldn't get half way down the block without a group of kids waving me down and wanting me to stop," says Librarian Sean Briscoe who took the Paletero bike out for the second year in a row to Ciclovía. The bike, which was motorized last year, travels about 2-3 miles an hour, and is...
Movin' and groovin' at the mall

October 2, 2018
Friday mornings are special at the Library Connection @ the Mall. We're happy to announce a new program called Music & Movement for toddlers and their parents or caregivers. Stop by and let our librarians show you and your loved one how to use various musical instruments and rhythmic devices. It's...