Perfect Mexican daughters do not go away to college, move out after graduation, or abandon their family. But Julia is not your perfect Mexican daughter. That was Olga’s role.

A few years from now, in a world similar to ours, there exists a “depression plague” that people refer to simply as “The Grey.” No one can predict whom it will afflict, or how, but once infected, t

Level up your Digital Skills in the year 2023. Join our Intermediate and Advanced class and expand your basic computing skills. Complete a variety of individual and group assignments.

Does technology make you nervous? Join our computer class for beginners and become familiar with the basic operation of a Chromebook.

Develop transferable skills by focusing on the most common Google Apps: Gmail, Chrome, Docs, Slides and Meet.

El Gabilan Library

EGL - SUMMER Intermediate & Advanced Computer Class Orientation

At the age of 74, Laureen Diephof embarked on a solo journey which inspired the creation of her mesmerizing memoir, Walking Over The Earth. From the frigid Arctic circle to the vast expanses

Acompáñanos a este taller gratuito en el que descubriremos juntos cómo a través de un verso, un pensamiento, o una carta podemos expresar nuestro sentir de duelo y de rendirle honor a nuestros sere


Join us at this free workshop to honor our loved ones who passed away by discovering how you can express your grief through a verse, a thought, or a letter. Presented by Heidi Diouf.