In The House of Eve, fifteen-year old Ruby is on track to become the first in her family to attend college, but a taboo love affair threatens her escape out of poverty.

Whether you’ve ever tied a square knot or threaded a wooden bead, our Mini Plant Hanger Craft Workshop is a great introduction to macrame!  

It’s estimated that up to 45% of adults in Monterey County are pre-diabetic or have diabetes, which can have serious consequences like blindness, heart disease, and kidney failure.

Here's a spin on our popular Succulent Maker Kit for adults: Learn the basics of macrame and make a mini plant hanger for your succulent. 

Growing up multiracial in a xenophobic small town during the Cold War, identity was politicized by everyday details.

News Date: 
Feb 3 2023 - 4:00pm

Our popular playgroups are starting once again at all three of our libraries. These parent-child, 20-week playgroups are designed to help parents learn how they can become their children's first...

An awkward first date leads to a sparkling romance between one of the most powerful witches in town and a magical newbie in this rom-com by Lana Harper, New York Times bestselling author of Pay

You don't have to be an expert chef to make great meals!

Cesar Chavez Library

FREE informational workshop this coming January 26th, come and learn more on how to become a US Citizen.