Salinas Public Library News
Below is a list of all Salinas Public Library website news articles, with the newest one at the top. To sign up for Salinas Public Library news by email, click here.
Proud Moments for Newly Naturalized U.S. Citizens

April 11, 2019
Fifty adults took the oath of citizenship earlier this month in a ceremony at Cesar Chavez Library, and were delighted to have Congressman Jimmy Panetta make the opening remarks as the keynote speaker and share his personal immigration story. The Library partners regularly with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to host their Naturalization Oath...
A library service that can ZIP a book to your home!

March 20, 2019
Have you ever looked for a title in our catalog or on our shelves and not found it?
We don't have an App for that but we do have a relatively new service called Zip Books that is just for you. Browse over to our Library's Mobile Services page and log into ...
Learning to eat healthy at the Library

March 19, 2019
Have you ever considered why expensive items are placed at eye level in a grocery store, or why you shouldn’t shop hungry? Those were just a few of the interesting topics discussed at our recent Healthy Living Series presented by Catholic Charities in collaboration with the Salinas Public Library. In a second workshop called "...
Spring into our Digital Collection!

March 7, 2019
Did you know the Library & Recreation Services has thousands of books and audio books in its digital collection ? Or that you can stream movies and music to your television set at home, or digital device, using hoopla or kanopy ? Your library card...
New grants received in support of adult and family literacy!

February 20, 2019
Salinas Public Library is very pleased to announce the receipt of two new grants in support of adult and family literacy totaling $158,382.
On January 18, 2019 the Salinas Public Library’s Literacy Services was notified by the California State Library Literacy Services (CLLS) of approval of a FY18/19 award of $78,382...