JSL Risk Management for a Small Business Workshop
The next occurrence of this event:
Every business faces various potential risks that can damage their future financial success. Prepare for the unexpected by minimizing risks and extra costs before they happen. Join us as we learn the concept and importance of effective risk management. The workshop will cover warning signs, common sources and how to implement, monitor, and evaluate a risk management plan for a small business.
Reservations recommended as space is limited. To register for the workshop, please click here.(link is external)
For more info, contact Cathy at 831-758-7915 or CathleenA@ci.salinas.ca.us(link sends e-mail)
This event is cosponsored with and presented by the Small Business Development Center.
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Erika at (831) 676-2017 or via email at sbdc@calcoastal.org(link sends e-mail).