CCL Month of the Child

Home > Events > CCL Month of the Child
Cesar Chavez Library

The next occurrence of this event:

Celebrate Día de los Niños all month long!

Join us for reading activities throughout the month of April at the Cesar Chavez Library.  Complete reading challenges to earn prizes and attend special programs.
Acompáñanos para actividades de lectura durante el mes de abril en la Biblioteca César Chávez. Completa desafíos de lectura para obtener premios y asiste programas especiales.

Fri., 4/6/18 at 4:00p.m.
Family Crafternoon:
     Make Your Own Bracelet

Sat., 4/7/18 at 10:00a.m.
 Yoga Storytime

Wed., 4/11/18 at 4:00p.m.
 Yoga Storytime

Thurs., 4/19/18 at 4:00p.m.
 Button Making

Mondays at 4:00p.m.

All day, every day for the month of April:
Library Reading Challenge

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