Art Explorers
The next occurrence of this event:
Art colors your world! Join us as we learn about the colorful lives and works of several famous artists. Each session, our budding artists will create an art project done in the style of the featured artist. A kit with the necessary supplies will be available to pick up on each week. Registration is required on a weekly basis and will open one week before each session.
Recommended for ages 5-10.
Tuesdays at 1pm: July 6, July 13, July 20, July 27.
This program will be offered virtually through the online platform Zoom.
Registration for July 6 Registration for Week 1 opens June 14.
Registration for July 13 Registration for Week 2 opens July 6.
Registration for July 20 Registration for Week 3 opens July 13.
Registration for July 27 Registration for Week 4 opens July 20.