JSL Genealogy Drop-In Time
The next occurrence of this event:
Sharpen your pencil and take a seat at our Genealogy Drop-In Time. Getting started with recording your family tree can be tough, so we are extending our monthly Genealogy Work Group with an extra drop-in session. For those looking for assistance, you'll get a chance to chat with experienced genealogy enthusiasts on how to fill out your family tree and test out standard genealogy forms, including pedigree and fan charts. This work session is on the third Tuesday* of the month and is followed by our regular Work Group meeting. All levels of experience are welcome.
For more information, contact Cathy at (831) 758-7915 or CathleenA [at] ci.salinas.ca.us
*Due to the holidays the Genealogy Drop-In Time is moved to the 3rd Tuesday of December.