So long summer!

Yes, Fall is in the air, and summer 2019 is already in the books, but we want to share a few highlights of our Summer Reading Program before it's too late.
This year's theme "It's Showtime at your Library" was popular with everyone! We had 1196 children and teens sign-up for summer reading and 298 adults, with almost half completing the recommended reading. We hosted 58 programs and events over the 7-week period, and had a total program attendance of 3490 adults and families. That's a lot of visitors to the library! We also gave away 598 books to children as prizes, and served 975 free meals!
Special thanks to the Friends of the Salinas Public Library for their help in purchasing books to give away as prizes, and Dollar General for their cash support of our Summer Reading Program, and many others just like it throughout the country. Special thanks also to the Pebble Beach Foundation for their support of our summer Kinder Camp, a special program that we do each year to help kindergarten children who haven't had any exposure to preschool or a Transition to Kindergarten program to learn the routines of a typical kinder school day.
Expect to hear more about our Summer Kick-Off Event for next year, which we will be co-hosting again with the Recreation Department. Until then, we hope everyone keeps reading, learning and exploring!