Salinas Public Library

Salinas Public Library

The Salinas Public Library

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When sixteen-year-old Georgia discovers the dead body of thirteen-year-old Ashley, she teams up with Ashley's older sister to find and bring the killer to justice before he strikes again.


If you're interested in your family history and want to give genealogy a try, it can be tough to sort out what resources are out there, and how best to use them.

Raising antiracist children is a noble goal for any parent, caregiver, or educator, but it can be hard to know where to start.

LET'S ALL READ, BUILD & SHARE: In celebration of Day of the Child / Day of the Books, the Literacy Program is inviting all families with their young children to join us for this FUN & FREE

You don’t need yard space to have a garden! Grow bags can turn your apartment balcony, porch, or driveway into a portable edible garden.

Lo que debe saber sobre la Directiva Avanzada de la atención médica

What You Need to Know about Advance Healthcare Directives

Kate Beaton is a New York Times bestselling author and cartoonist. Her first full-length graphic narrative follows Beaton after university as she heads out west to work in the oil sands.