Joy Harjo’s "Catching the Light” is a lyrical meditation about the why of writing poetry where she reflects on significant points of illumination, experience, and questioning from her fifty years a
Tiffany Aliche was a successful pre-school teacher with a healthy nest egg when a recession and advice from a shady advisor put her out of a job and into a huge financial hole.
The “Barbie” movie broke worldwide box-office records this year and sparked interest in collecting the iconic doll, with new generations joining the ranks.
Writing is a solitary task, and many writers benefit from having peers to get feedback and support from. We share ideas and learn from each other and our mentor.
Easily manage your account, browse the collections, and check out eBooks with the new Aspen Lida App. Most of the functions of the online catalog can be conveniently found in the app.
Download it for free on the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.
Aspen Discovery offers an easy way to access the library's collections and manage your account. Click on each of the headers below to learn more about the online catalog and how to make the most of it.
Manage your holds from the Titles On Hold screen. Holds ready to pick up will show in the top section. Holds you’re still waiting for will appear under Pending Holds. Here you can cancel any hold you no longer want, Freeze a hold to pause it or Thaw a hold when you’re ready. You can also change your pickup location if the hold has not yet been fulfilled.