Salinas Public Library

Salinas Public Library

The Salinas Public Library

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1940 - 1949

If the Thirties were tumultuous, the Forties were cataclysmic. War brought serious upheaval to the City of Salinas which had a population of 11,586 in 1940.

1930 - 1939

By 1930 the Salinas population reached 10,263, and would continue to grow given the area’s many advantages. Fine weather, an expanding agricultural industry, and later the government assisted building programs and projects drew refugees from the harsh reality of the Depression and the conditions of the Dust Bowl in other parts of the county. New residents were not always welcome.


East of Eden John Steinbeck


America’s Salad Bowl Burton Anderson

Beginnings of Salinas Robert B. Johnston

California Rodeo Salinas Burton Anderson

Dissertations, Theses, Papers

Biography, Reminiscences

Always Something to Do In Salinas John Steinbeck

Bury My Bones in America Lani Ah Tye Farkas

College Cowboy Reuben Albaugh

Biography Clipping Files - Letters W, Y, Z


Wagner, Alvin “Clay” (Veteran, Marina Civic Leader)

Walensky, Ted H.

Walker, Ambrose

Walker, Clara “Pearl” (Proprietor Of The Arno House)

Walker, Jan

Walker, Joseph

Walthour, Bob

Wallace, Pete

Wallace, Richard

Waller, Sidney J.

Ward, Derak

Ward, Helen E.

Biography Clipping Files - Letters T, U, V


Tait, Dorothy

Taggert, Rita (Actress)

Talcott, Burt L. (Monterey County Supervisor; U.S. Congressman)

Takali, Zaruk “Tak”

Tarpey (Also Spelled Tarpy), Matt see also Biography — Mccormick, George and Tarpey Flats in the Local History Subject Files

Tanimura Family (Agriculture)

Tavernetti, Achillea

Tavernetti, Ellis

Tavernetti, J.R.