Salinas Public Library

Salinas Public Library

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1850 U.S. Federal Census Schedule I: Free Inhabitants of Monterey County, California Lorraine “Rain Cloud” Escobar Local History . R317.9476 Esc

1852 California State Census Schedule I: Inhabitants of Monterey County Lorraine “Rain Cloud” Escobar Local History R317.9476 Esc

History of Monterey County, California with Illustrations... With Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens Elliott & Moore, Publishers 1881 (Facsimile) Local History R979.47 His

Pre 1850

Soldiers and Census Early Alta California 1779 – 1850
Monterey County Genealogical Society
Local History
R317.94 Sol

History of Monterey County, California with Illustrations... With Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens
Elliott & Moore, Publishers 1881 (Facsimile)
Local History
R979.47 His

Tombstone Inscriptions of the Monterey City Cemetery, Monterey, California
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints
Local History
R979.476 Chu

Clipping Files Subject - Letter A

Affirmative Action
See Business Enterprises - Building Trades; Employment; Salinas — Fire Department; Schools — Greenfield Union School District.
Related Local History File Heading: Ethnic Groups

Abbott House
See Business Enterprises — Hotels — Cominos Hotel

Adult Literacy
See Organizations - A - Adult Literacy

See also Organizations - A - Alliance on Aging; Business Enterprises — Taxicabs

Local History Files Subject Index

This Index lists the subject headings used in the Salinas Public Library Local History Files located at the John Steinbeck Library, 350 Lincoln Street in Salinas, California. The headings used in the files appear in Bold Faced type . The word See refers...

2000 - 2009

In 2000 the census numbered 151,060 in Salinas. According to the Dun & Bradstreet Market Profile Analysis , there were 112,965 Salinas households in 1990. The 2001 update showed 130,610 households. By 2003 most of the city’s construction of single family homes during the past decade had been in northeast Salinas, south of Boronda Road and east of North Main Street. Major developments included Harden Ranch, Creekbridge, and Williams Ranch, with various affiliated subdivisions.

1990 - 1999

The Salinas population took another leap in the last part of the century. In 1990 it reached 108,777, 50.6% of whom were in the category of Hispanic Americans. Salinas residents continued to experience the benefits as well as the disadvantages of a growing city.

1980 - 1989

The eighties brought plant closures, countywide water concerns (including water pollution from the old Firestone plant), and an earthquake, but the residents in this town of 80,479, with 49.52% non - white and 39.68% of that portion Mexican American, showed a determination to succeed despite adverse events.

In the early eighties, Salinas suffered closure of major industrial plants: Firestone (1,800 jobs) closed in 1980; Spreckels Sugar, an area mainstay since just before the turn of the century, (400 jobs) closed in 1981; and Peter Paul (165 jobs) closed in 1981.

1970 - 1979

In 1970, the Salinas population was 61,978. Revitalization of the downtown area of Salinas continued to be a hot topic in the local paper and with the business community. Merchants approved the central city revitalization study even though businesses were slated to pay a surcharge for the consultant. In 1973 the city’s Center City Authority decided to focus on the development of a shopping and tourist oriented “Oldtown” that would reflect the community’ s rodeo and western heritage. The planning commission approved the plan in November of 1973.

1960 - 1969

The sixties were a time of unmatched growth for the city of Salinas. When the decade opened, the Salinas census count was 28,957. In 1963 when the Alisal District voted to become East Salinas, Salinas’ population nearly doubled overnight to about 50,000.

1950 - 1959

Salinas, the brash town that eclipsed the earlier settlement of Natividad by luring in the railroad, incorporating, and winning the right to be the county seat, all in the 1870’s, was still growing eighty years later. Between 1950 and 1956 the council began a long series of annexations that brought 43 separate additions to the city, doubling the area. The additions were made on all sides of the city. Home construction was on the rise, and the population went from 13,917 in 1950 to 18,957 in 1960.