Getting ready for Kindergarten

The first day of kindergarten can be frightening for young children, especially if they have never experienced a structured pre-k or preschool program. The Salinas Public Library's Kinder Boot Camp helped chase away these jitters for 30 local school children in a two-week program that concluded August 8th, just in time for the start of school. The program helps familiarize youth with the routines of the school day, while also promoting the social and self-regulating skills they'll need for the classroom.
One parent who was especially grateful shared with us that her son, Nico, was very excited to go to our program, "He was a little nervous, but he didn't cry or try to hold onto me. You did an excellent job at Kinder Boot Camp. Thank you!" We hope that when Nico went to his first day of Kindergarten last week, the routines were already old hat and he was able to focus on making friends.
This is the library's third year of offering a Kinder Boot Camp, and hopes to offer the program again next year. "We are grateful for support from the Pebble Beach Foundation" says Ernesto Lizaola, Community Education Manager. "The impact may seem small, but it isn't for those youth who attend." All the students received a certificate, and a backpack filled with school supplies for that first day of school. We hope they'll all become voracious readers!