EGL - Ma-TEEN-èe Movie Mayhem
The next occurrence of this event:
TEENS! Come hang at the library this summer and catch a free movie! Join us every other Saturday afternoon at El Gabilan library. The library will provide a small snack, but you are welcome to bring your own for the program!
Want to know what movie we're showing? Subscribe to the library newsletter!
Here are some additional clues if you want to figure it out on your own:
Clue 1: It's a movie based on a game
Clue 2: The genre is fantasy
Clue 3: It's a new release that was just playing in theaters a few months ago
Please note: Since this is a teen program, movies shown will be rated PG-13. Movies may be subject to change.
Questions? Contact Andrea at AndreaL [at]
Dates: Saturdays July 8th & 22nd
Time: 1PM-4PM
Place: El Gabilan Library