EGL - Dungeons & Dragons: Intro

Home > Events > EGL - Dungeons & Dragons: Intro
El Gabilan Library

The next occurrence of this event:

Interested in D&D but don't know where to start? The library's got you covered! We'll talk about what D&D is, what you need to play, and how to get organized.  

For ages 12-18. Registration starts December 1st. Complete this form to register for the program. Registration recommended but not required. 


Be sure to join us for our upcoming D&D programs for teens at El Gabilan Library:

December 27 - D&D: Mini Painting - Paint your very own miniature to use for adventures. Figurines will be provided. 

January 3 - D&D: One Shot - Get experience playing D&D in a short dungeon crawl. We will be providing character sheets, rules, and dungeon notes for this short adventure. 


For more information contact Ryan at RyanDb [at]