Salinas Public Library News
Below is a list of all Salinas Public Library website news articles, with the newest one at the top. To sign up for Salinas Public Library news by email, click here.
How do you spell "SNOW"?
December 21, 2017
We spell it "FUN"!
Yesterday was an exciting day at Cesar Chavez Library as we hosted our 5th Annual Snow Day. More than 850 children and families stopped by to play in the snow, and celebrate the holiday season with us by sipping hot chocolate and participating in edible craft-making.
Thank you to...
Library Receives 2017 PLP Library and Innovation Grant
November 29, 2017
We are happy to announce that Salinas Public Library is one of the ten recipients of the PLP Innovation and Technology Opportunity Grant for 2017/18 in the amount of $15,000. Each fiscal year, the Pacific Library Partnership, through a competitive process, awards grants to PLP libraries to support innovation and technology. These grants...
It's a Wrap-up! The Kinder Campaign Issues over 1400 new library cards!
November 29, 2017
What's cuter than a kindergartner getting a library card?
A kindergartner posing for a picture after winning a prize at our Family Date Night!
We're happy to report that we distributed over 4000 library card applications in a two week period to 132 kindergarten classrooms, and issued 1400 library cards. We gave...
Kinder Library Card Campaign Off to a Great Start
November 15, 2017
Our Kindergarten Library Card Campaign is wrapping up this week, and we are happy to report we issued over 1400 library cards to kindergartners. We visited 8 elementary schools, and 35 classrooms. As you can see, these young readers LOVE the bookmobile, and can't wait to have it back.
The Kinder Family Date Nights...
It's Official! We're moving ahead with our plans for a new library!
November 8, 2017
Salinas Public Library has moved one step closer to building a new library for the community on North Main Street. At last night's Council Meeting, council members praised the schematic design presented by the architects and voted unanimously to contract with a development team to move the project along into the design development...