Visit State Parks for free with Library's Parks Pass

Parks Passes are now available to borrow from Salinas Public Library!
To provide more equitable access, reduce barrier of access, and to encourage more Californians to spend time outdoors, California State Parks and the California State Library have distributed California State Library Parks Pass to public libraries across the state for checkout by library patrons. The new pass will allow free vehicle day use entry for one passenger vehicle with capacity of nine people or less or one highway licensed motorcycle, at more than 200 participating state park units.
Library cardholders may inquire about borrowing Parks Pass at all library locations, including the Bookmobile when it is out in a community event. As of April 12, there is one Parks Pass available at each Salinas Public Library locations. More Parks Passes are expected to be made available by the end of April, which library patrons can request in advance to help with their travel planning. Parks Pass can be borrowed for up to three weeks before it needs to be returned to the library to allow others in the community to use it. "We are very excited to make these passes available for Salinas community and to encourage more people to visit the beautiful state parks in our county and across the state" said Library and Community Services Director Kristan Lundquist.
For more information on borrowing Parks Pass at Salinas Public Library, visit
Detailed information on the new California State Library Parks Program, including full terms and conditions, is available online at