Happy Holidays!

It hasn’t been all work & no play in the Literacy Program over the last few weeks of 2023. Don’t worry, we are working hard on the new Computer Class curriculum, and on making sure the Citizenship Preparation materials are up to date for our program re-launch in January, but we’ve also taken the opportunity to look back and celebrate the achievements of our learners.
In November, we celebrated our Families For Literacy (FFL) participants’ commitment to fostering a love of reading and learning in the home. The Family Fall Festival was open to the public and over 270 people joined us to play games, make crafts and to enjoy two special story times. We were delighted to send home over 300 books to build home libraries! Attendees asked us for more FFL programming, and we listened. Watch this space for details of a brand new FFL program that launches in the New Year.
We didn’t forget about our Adult Literacy participants and volunteers either. Last week we held an end of year celebration for our Individual Tutoring, Computer Class and Citizenship students. It was a wonderful opportunity to catch up and we learned that one of our participants has just opened her own bakery - congratulations! Another of our Computer Class students improved her typing skills enough that she received not one, but two job offers - that’s the kind of holiday dilemma we like. We also got to meet some of the new grand-babies and recent graduates whose stories and pictures our participants have shared with us over the last months.
All classes are currently on hold, but we start right back up where we left off in the second week of January. In the meantime, we wish you all Happy Holidays and look forward to seeing you next year!
The Literacy Team