Salinas Public
Don't miss these teen favorites!
Get hands on with mBot Robotics!
Show off your art skills by designing a bookmark with the theme “Reading Takes You Everywhere!”
Let's build an app to modernize Salinas Libraries and attract more teens to the library. Great applications are intuitive and impactful. Learn to design and develop such an app in this six-week c
Let's build an app to modernize Salinas Libraries and attract more teens to the library. Great applications are intuitive and impactful.
Get connected and celebrate Teen Tech Week by exploring fun digital resources and activities available through the library.
CCL T-Shirt Design Workshop/ Aprende a diseñar diseños para camisetas
Learn how to use a Cricut machine
Read the Book-See the Movie
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Step 1
Gamers Challenge
Are you a teen needing community service hours?
Join us for an afternoon of community service projects at the library.