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Youth Poet Laureate 2022

Home > Webform > Youth Poet Laureate 2022

Submissions for Salinas Youth Poet Laureate 2022 are accepted from Friday, April 1, 2022 thru Saturday April 30, 2022.

Your submitted application must include the following: 
-  Your name and contact information.
-  Name and contact information for your Parent/Guardian if you are under the age of 18 by April 30, 2022.
-  Artist statement: Introduce yourself by telling us who you are and what poetry means to you.  (250 words max)
-  One or two original poems  showing excellence in  content,  craft,  and  voice, totaling no more than 10 pages typed. Please be sure your written work is spell-checked. File must be in .txt, .doc, .docx,  or PDF format
-  One (1) video of you reciting the poem that is no more than 4 minutes long. Supported video files are .mp4, .mov, or .avi format. If you're providing link to publicly available video on YouTube, include the link on your text file.

You must complete all the required questions and file upload at one time and submit. There is no way to save your work. We recommend that you look at the questions on the application and then prepare and proofread your responses. You can then copy and paste your responses into the online application and have your poem files ready for uploading.  

Questions? Email poetry [at] (subject: Youth%20Poet%20Laureate%20Question)  or call 831-758-7456.