Lit Lib Loot

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#LitLibLoot is a no cost book subscription program for teens. When you sign up you will receive 2-3 YA books picked specifically for you. While any library items included in the subscription must be returned, all the special mystery loot is yours to keep!

Sign-ups for Spring will start in February 2024!

  • Sign-ups will be open from February through April on a rolling basis to receive your subscription(s) between March and May! You can sign up for one to two months (alternating) at a time. Fill out the form and choose what work best for you!
  • We will check in with you at the beginning of the month(s) you choose and remind you that your subscription is on its way. You can then expect to be contacted to pick up your subscription around the middle of the month.

Click on the FAQs below for all the details!

Got more questions?
Contact Andrea at AndreaL [at]