Virtual | NaNoWriMo Writers Group Orientation

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Every story matters. Let's start writing yours.

If you're tackling the NaNoWriMo challenge of writing a 50,000-word novel in November,  we’re all in to support you! Our new NaNoWriMo Writers Group kicks off October 27th as we prep you to hit the ground running on November 1st. Then over the next 4 weeks, get both real-time and at-your-own-pace support from author and mentor Bonnie Dillabough, and fellow writers. We’ll celebrate our big writing month on December 1st, where you’ll also hear more about what you can do with what you wrote.

If you missed our mandatory orientation, you can still join! Email Jissella at jissellad [at] before Tuesday, October 26 at 6:00 pm for more information on how you can save your spot. 

Icono PDF NaNoWriMo Writers Group Flyer1.04 MB