Learning to eat healthy at the Library

Marzo 19, 2019

Have you ever considered why expensive items are placed at eye level in a grocery store, or why you shouldn’t shop hungry? Those were just a few of the interesting topics discussed at our recent Healthy Living Series presented by Catholic Charities in collaboration with the Salinas Public Library. In a second workshop called "Wise Voices, Smart Choices" which is part of the 5-week nutrition series, participants learned about food history, and what it means to “eat from the rainbow.” Over 60 adults have attended the recent events at Cesar Chavez Library, and there are more planned.

"Healthy Living Programs are an excellent example of how the City leverages its resources through partnerships with nonprofits to provide meaningful impacts on the health and well being of Salinas residents," says Deputy Librarian Eric Howard.

Our next event is a cooking demonstration called “Bye Bye Pinto, Hellooo Black Beans” and participants will learn how to put a healthy twist on the classic quesadilla. This workshop is scheduled for Friday, March 22nd, from 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm at Cesar Chavez Library. For more information on this demonstration, click here. Following that workshop, is a cooking demonstration on Friday, April 12th from 12:15 to 12:45 pm called "Rethink Your Drink." Please call Jissella at (831) 758-7020 for more details.