Students find success in library's Citizenship program

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Marzo 23, 2021

The Virtual Citizenship Classes at the library have been quite busy with people still asking about the new and old tests, and preparing for upcoming exams.  It turns out that the changes imposed by the last administration in Washington which made the test longer and more difficult were reversed by the current Biden administration. As one might expect, this has created a lot of confusion but the Literacy Center staff have been there to help. 

The Literacy Center has been conducting virtual study groups and one-on-one tutoring throughout the pandemic, and has recently had two students pass the exam, and three other students have received their notices for upcoming appointments. Raul, who is pictured above, just passed his test on March 18th.  His wife and son are both studying for their tests with help from the library's Citizenship program, and Raul is especially grateful that he will be able to take the oath with his son.  Becoming citizens together is a priceless gift for Raul.  

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more, classes take place on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. and more details about the classes can be found here.  You can also contact the  Literacy Center with your questions at (831) 758-7916 .