Celebrating the holidays together!

Home > About > Library Receives 2017 PLP Library and Innovation Grant > Celebrating the holidays together!
Enero 4, 2021

Fifty families proved it's not too hard to make a commitment to a weekly early literacy program, even when it's gone virtual!  The families participating in the library's virtual Toddler Tales and Music & Movement programs celebrated together on December 21st by picking up activity kits and a special gift from our friends at the Police Activities League (PAL), Salinas City Firefighters Association and the Harden Foundation

"The children were so delighted, especially with the stuffed animals," says Cristela Aguilar, who has been leading the Music & Movement program since its early days at the Library Connection @ Northridge Mall. "It was wonderful to bring some joy to their lives during these difficult times."  

The two weekly programs, Toddler Tales which meets via Zoom on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m., and Music & Movement which meets at 3:00 pm on Fridays, welcomes new participants.  For more information, please call (831) 758-7302 or 758-7345.