The smart card will expire when your child graduates from high school.
What happens if my child borrows books or other materials and loses or forgets to return them?
There are no overdue fines on library materials, but a lost item will be billed at replacement cost. The card will limit your child to only two print items at a time, reducing the likelihood that a child will accrue large outstanding fees for lost items. Lost item fees will not affect your child’s ability to access e-books, e-resources, and databases.
What can my child do with the smart card?
Your child can check-out digital resources and two books. No movies or CDs can be checked out with the smart card. If you want your child to have access to more than two books, movies, or CDs, please visit a branch of the Salinas Public Library to get them a full-service card, requiring parent consent and signature.
What if I don’t want my child to have a smart card?
What information does the school share to get my child a smart card?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows only directory information to be shared. This includes only the student’s name, address, telephone, date of birth, and school name. Your child’s school will not have access to your child’s library record. Your child’s library record is fully confidential as required by state law.
My child has a library card. How is the smart card different?
This card is a virtual card for students that uses their Student ID number to facilitate access through the school portal or from home. A physical card will not be issued.
Smart Card is a virtual library card for students that allows them to use their Student ID number to access library services. With a Smart Card , students can:
Borrow up to 2 books at a time, at Salinas Public library locations