Gardening season is upon us and in full swing. From growing vegetables to flowers to pruning, we want to hear it all. Share your favorite gardening tips and tricks to get others started off on the right foot.
La temporada de jardinería está sobre nosotros y en plena marcha. Desde el cultivo de vegetales hasta las flores y la poda, queremos escucharlo todo. Comparta sus consejos y trucos de jardinería favoritos para que otros comiencen con el pie derecho.
Have You Ever Killed an Orchid? | ¿Has matado alguna vez una orquídea?
I have; more than one. Orchids may have a reputation for being difficult to grow but in reality they make excellent house plants. They are low maintenance, bloom for months each year and can live for a lifetime. Provide insight into orchid care and teach others how to take their orchids from barely surviving to thriving!
No Backyard, No Problem | No tiene yarda, no hay problema
You don’t need to have yard space to have greenery. Whether you have an apartment balcony or a driveway, containers open the world of plants to you. From house plants to veggies to orchard trees, containers offer versatility of use and style. Share tips of your successes with container gardening.
Good Bug, Bad Bug | Buen insecto, mal insecto
Bugs can wreak havoc in a garden but did you know they can also help keep away those unwanted visitors? Trade advice on how to identify the good guys from the bad guys, attract beneficial insects to the yard and control pests without the use of pesticides.
Los bichos pueden devastar un jardín, pero ¿sabía que también pueden ayudar a mantener alejados a los visitantes no deseados? Intercambie consejos sobre cómo identificar a los buenos bichos de los malos, atraer insectos beneficiosos a la yarda y controlar las plagas sin el uso de pesticidas.
Spice Up Your Life | Dale sabor a tu vida
Spice up your cooking routine by introducing fresh herbs to kitchen classics. Help others explore the world of herbs by sharing your knowledge of basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, cilantro, mint and more! Give advice on how to grow and maintain an herb garden, use herbs in the kitchen and elsewhere.
Stay safe and get your library materials in a socially distant fashion with simple, easy to follow procedures. Just log into the library website at catalog. ...
While it could not be facilitated in a large gathering, families came out nonetheless to El Gabilan Library last Friday, June 12th, to receive their graduation certificates. They were also...
Home gardening is BLOOMING! Whether you’re brand new to gardening or you have a veteran green thumb, we want to hear from you. This year, Adult Summer Reading is launching a gardening video series to showcase your videos to the community.
Each video submission counts as one book in our...