Salinas Public Library

Salinas Public Library

The Salinas Public Library

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What fees will be waived?

Any and all fees accrued on your card. We will waive lost and damaged material replacement fees, processing fees, and library card replacement fees.

* Fees related to printing cost or meeting room rental are not eligible for this program.
** Since we no longer charge overdue/late fines, if you have one on your account, please let our staff know. We will remove all previously accrued overdue fines immediately.

How do I qualify?

If you have a Salinas Public Library card with fees or balance on your account, you’re eligible! You just have to log the number of days you have read by submitting the form above. 

Apply the skills you've been learning as you work on fun collaborative projects like creating your own Space Shuttle adventure.

News Date: 
Jun 25 2020 - 3:30pm

This month we congratulate one of our super-tutors, Maria Berrospe, who received the Champion for Asset Building award from United Way of Monterey County.

Maria first participated in the...

The Salinas Public Library has partnered with the non-profit, Centro Community Partners, to bring to you a FREE virtual Entrepreneurship Bootcamp. Rising entrepreneurs or even curr

La Biblioteca Publica de Salinas se ha asociado con el Centro Community Partners, una organización sin fines de lucro, para ofrecer virtualmente un Bootcamp de Emprendimiento.

Top Secret: our new Secret Agent Spy Training is starting soon!

Calling all curious kids!  Dig deep and discover some of the creatures that live in the dirt.  Through stories, songs, activities and crafts, we will learn about dinosaurs, worms, bugs and more.

Gardening Tips | Consejos de jardinería

Gardening season is upon us and in full swing. From growing vegetables to flowers to pruning, we want to hear it all. Share your favorite gardening tips and tricks to get others started off on the right foot.  

La temporada de jardinería está sobre nosotros y en plena marcha. Desde el cultivo de vegetales hasta las flores y la poda, queremos escucharlo todo. Comparta sus consejos y trucos de jardinería favoritos para que otros comiencen con el pie derecho. 

Have You Ever Killed an Orchid? | ¿Has matado alguna vez una orquídea?

I have; more than one. Orchids may have a reputation for being difficult to grow but in reality they make excellent house plants. They are low maintenance, bloom for months each year and can live for a lifetime. Provide insight into orchid care and teach others how to take their orchids from barely surviving to thriving!