Salinas Public Library

Salinas Public Library

The Salinas Public Library

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Printer-friendly John Steinbeck Fact Sheet

John Steinbeck Quick Facts

Born February 27, 1902, 132 Central Avenue, Salinas California, in the front bedroom of the home Graduated from...

This collection consists of edited research materials and compilations produced from both primary and secondary sources pertaining to the Fillipino American experience.

Alex S. Fabros Jr. is a former Professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University, there he...

Highlights 2000 - Present


Using money donated by the Gates Foundation and the California State Library, as well as money from the library budget, public Internet access arrives. In July the library orientation for the public begins. Population in Salinas is officially 151,060.


John Steinbeck Library Homework Center opens.


Budget difficulties close the three libraries on Mondays. On November 4, 2004, tax Measures A, B, C fail; and the Salinas City Council votes to close the library system between January and June of 2004. 

Highlights 1990 - 1999


Julia Orozco appointed Library Director. The population of Salinas is over 100,000.


Santa Lucia Library dedicates the Chicano Cultural Resource Center, thanks to the tireless efforts of senior librarian Patricia Oliverez.

Highlights 1970 - 1989


A major East Salinas branch library is proposed in February while in May the John Steinbeck Library opens its newly constructed wing, which adds 30,000 square feet. The Soroptimists purchase the Tom Fitzwater statue of John Steinbeck, which has been on display at the library since December of 1971, and donate it to the library.


In April the “Basement” for young adults opens in the lower level of the new annex and the Steinbeck statue is placed on library grounds.

Highlights 1950 - 1969


A large room in the city Recreation Center (the old USO building) is remodeled for use as the children’s library.


A remodel of the Carnegie building begins in March. Miss Amanda Anderson resigns as of December 1, 1952 and Mrs. Barbara Miller is appointed acting librarian. The North Salinas “book station” opens at the firehouse on Laurel, but will move to 1262 North Main two years later. Howard Samuelson is appointed the new library director for the town of 18,319.

Highlights 1900 - 1949


The Trustees of the Salinas City Library agree to accept the books from the library of the Salinas WCTU (Woman’s Christian Temperance Union) and look for a suitable room. Meanwhile, the women of the Salinas Civic Club, later the Salinas Woman’s Club, vote to work for a public library building.