If the item does not meet the Zip Books criteria listed above, your request may not be approved. If another patron has requested the same item, we may not approve your reques,t but we will put you on the hold list for that item once it is returned.
What happens to returned Zip Books?
Our Librarian will review the item and decide whether it can be added to the Library’s collection. If it is not added to the collection, it will be given to Friends of Salinas Public Library or another organization.
Are there other fees for Zip Books?
The Zip Books request fee of $2.00 will only be charged to your account if your request is approved.
There are no overdue fines for Zip Books. However, if you lose a Zip Book, you may have to pay a replacement fee before you can request another Zip Book.
Junto con la coordinadora de Healthy Futures Vista, únase a nosotros para nuestro evento informativo de la Serie de Vida Saludable sobre la Salud de la Mujer en la B