CCL Managing Diabetes During the Holidays

Home > Node > CCL Managing Diabetes During the Holidays
Cesar Chavez Library

The next occurrence of this event:

The holiday season can be full of delicious temptations that prove hard to resist. Learn the importance of curbing those cravings at our diabetes management workshop.

You'll learn tips and tricks to keep your blood sugar levels under control with diabetes-friendly recipes, portion size guidelines and ways to still enjoy your traditional holiday foods.

This workshop will be in Spanish. For more information, please contact Jissella at JissellaD [at] or (831) 758-7020.


La comida navideña puede ser difícil de navegar. Aprenda maneras y consejos sobre como mantener su nivel de azúcar en la sangre bajo control y al mismo tiempo disfrutar la temporado navideña.

Este taller sera en Español. Para más información, póngase en contacto con Jissella al (831) 758-7020 o JissellaD [at]

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Cesar Chavez Library