Volunteers are essential!

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Abril 6, 2021

While the pandemic has put many limitations on volunteering in the library and elsewhere, we want to take a moment to celebrate two of our active Literacy volunteers that are making a difference by helping other adults learn computer skills.

David decided to become a volunteer after taking the Beyond Basics computer class.  Prior to volunteering with the Literacy Center, he was a volunteer for United Way's VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program for more than ten years.  "I really enjoy helping others, and I really enjoy working with computers so I figured this was perfect for me," he said.

Ann began volunteering with the Literacy Center in 2018. After having spent a professional career as a software engineer, it made sense to her that the Computer Literacy Program would be a good fit.  "I like staying current with the new programs and Google applications," she said, and added "I find a lot of times I'm learning just as much as the students are."  

Both David and Ann are making a difference by helping people become more computer literate.  

Approximately 40 students are currently active in the Beyond Basics and Beginner Computer Literacy classes.  If you or someone you know is interested in joining the next session of classes scheduled for this summer, they can fill out an Interest Form or call the Literacy Center at (831) 758-7916.  New volunteers are also always welcome!