Virtual Family Reading Circle a big success!

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Octubre 7, 2020

For the 28 families that participated in the library's Virtual Family Reading Circle, learning from the comfort of one's couch or kitchen table was a huge success!  Whether it was a presentation on the life cycle of the butterfly given by the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, or a talk on the California Condor by the Ventana Wildlife Society, participants young and old said they learned a lot.

The four-week program came to an end last week with a curbside graduation at El Gabilan Library where families picked up books and resources to continue learning.  Each week families enjoyed songs and activities related to the weekly themes.  Those themes included "Life at Home," "Season and Cycles," "Back to School," and the "Animal Kingdom."  Families also took part in breakout discussions where they shared tips and strategies to encourage a love of reading at home, and shared strategies to cope with the stresses of distance learning.

The virtual classroom will stay open to families for the next two weeks so they can take advantage of information related to library resources, virtual programs offered by community partners, and other activities their children can enjoy at home to increase their literacy skills. The next Family Reading Circle will take place in the Spring, 2021.  

Please contact the Literacy Center for more information at (831) 758-7916.