Lending a Virtual Hand to Seniors and Community Groups

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Enero 20, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has shut many doors, including the meeting room doors for many local nonprofits.  Last Fall, several members of the Salinas Women's Club reached out to the library for help.  With many members in high-risk categories, and a number with limited digital skills, they weren't sure resuming meetings was a possibility.

Senior Librarian Cathy Andrews crafted a plan to make it easy for the group to overcome the technical skills hurdles and resume meeting by using Zoom. “If you aren’t familiar with platforms like Zoom, it can be intimidating,” Andrews said. “Many members had limited experience online. Our series of 30 minute “Zoom Practice Sessions” let members practice skills we take for granted, like muting and un-muting, and using the chat window to post questions for presenters.” 

The December Holiday Tea brought about 20 members together for the first time since last February. “It was nice to catch up with each other,” President Carolyn Jensen said. “We’re used to seeing each other every month, and it’s so nice to be able to look forward to resuming our regular educational programs this month.” 

Salinas Public Library continues to work with club members, and will be assisting Active Seniors, Inc as they roll out more virtual programs. If your group needs help, please contact Cathy Andrews at CathleenA [at] ci.salinas.ca.us