Cesar Chavez Library

Come and watch a cooking demonstration on how to make a nutrient-packed smoothie that is the perfect on-the-go snack.

News Date: 
Mar 19 2019 - 5:00pm

Have you ever considered why expensive items are placed at eye level in a grocery store, or why you shouldn’t shop hungry? Those were just a few of the interesting...

John Steinbeck Library

Are you starting your career? Changing your career? Going back to work? If so, join our unique and effective Career Vision workshop.

John Steinbeck Library

Learn about the requirements for success with the permit process and get answers for your questions from Permit Center Staff. 

1410 North Main St, Salinas, Ca 93906

Learn how to use a computer to prepare you to search and work online.

In This class you will learn how to organize your files/folders, Google Sheets and much more.

Cesar Chavez Library

Join us for a quick demonstration on how to add a healthy twist to a classic quesadilla. Learn how to load up with beans and veggies for a delicious and nutritious meal.

350 Lincoln Ave, Salinas CA 93901

Computer Class Orientation on Thursday, March 28 from 30:00 PM-5:00 PM

Register NOW at the Salinas Public Library!

For more information and registration call:

350 Lincoln Ave, Salinas CA 93901

Computer Class Orientation on Tuesday, March 26 from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM

Register NOW at the Salinas Public Library!

For more information and registration call:

615 Williams Rd, Salinas Ca 93905

Computer Class Orientation on Monday, March 25 from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Register NOW at the Salinas Public Library!

For more information and registration call:

Cesar Chavez Library

Is it time to ask for help?  Whatever your tech questions are, we can help!  Drop in for a FREE one-on-one tech help at your local library.