Teachers and parents welcome new "Teaching Books" resource

Home > About > Library Receives 2017 PLP Library and Innovation Grant > Teachers and parents welcome new "Teaching Books" resource
Noviembre 10, 2020

Meeting the current challenges of distance learning, the California State Library has made available Teaching Books, an engaging collection of resources about children's and young adult books and authors that are sure to help young people engage in literature.  From instructional tool kits to lists of books by age level and topic, to author interviews, short video clips, and more, the service will be welcomed by both teachers and parents.  

Searches can be done by title, subject, keyword, and topic, as well as by curriculum area including STEM, music, math, history and social science. There is also an exhaustive list by award winning titles from Caldecott to Newberry, to New York Times, and many more.

For teachers and parents alike, this tool can be used to explore a student's interests and deepen their comprehension and vocabulary skills. Get started by viewing their book collections  and resource guides.