CCL-FALL Computing for Beginners Class

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Cesar Chavez Library

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Ready to begin your digital journey? If you are tired of asking friends and family for help to get online, or you haven’t used a computer for a while and need to build your confidence, our Computing for Beginners class is for you. All materials are provided in this free, 8-week program.

Classes: Fridays & Saturdays, 10-12pm @ Cesar Chavez Library

Call (831) 758-7916 for information.

¿Listo para iniciar su viaje digital? Si está cansado de pedir ayuda a amigos y familiares para conectarse, o no ha usado una computadora últimamente y necesita sentirse comodo, nuestra clase de Computación para principiantes es para usted.

Clases: ​Viernes y Sábados, 10-12pm @ Biblioteca César Chávez

Llame al (831) 758-7916 para obtener información.

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Cesar Chavez Library