A library service that can ZIP a book to your home!

Home > About > Library Receives 2017 PLP Library and Innovation Grant > A library service that can ZIP a book to your home!
Marzo 20, 2019

Have you ever looked for a title in our catalog or on our shelves and not found it?

We don't have an App for that but we do have a relatively new service called Zip Books that is just for you. Browse over to our Library's Mobile Services page and log into Zip Books. You can request books or audiobooks not already owned by the Library and have them delivered to your home. All you need is a library card in good standing to get started. Once you finish the book, you simply return it to the library. Zip Books has recently increased the request limits for books to $50, and $75 for audiobooks and foreign language titles. You can also make a total of 5 request per month. We think this personalized service adds a lot of value to the community, especially for those who might find themselves temporarily homebound.

Zip Books is a statewide project of the NorthNet Library System and funded by the California State Library. For questions about this service, please call the John Steinbeck Library at (831) 758-7311, or the Cesar Chavez Library at (831) 758-7345.