Special Thanks to the League of Women Voters Monterey County

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August 19, 2020

It's hard to imagine that just a century ago women couldn't vote in elections, much less be nominated to hold the second highest office in the land, but today both are thankfully true.

Representatives from the League of Women Voters Monterey County presented Library & Community Services Director Kristan Lundquist with a copy of "Winning the Vote: The Triumph of the American Woman Suffrage Movement" by Robert P.L. Cooney to be added to the library's collection.  Cooney studied the historic drive to win the vote by American women for more than 25 years and is a recognized expert on this historic nonviolent movement. Mr. Cooney started the Woman Suffrage Media Project to popularize this little-known American history.  His book is filled with lavishly illustrated history, profiles and images documenting women’s early political achievements and received glowing reviews when it was initially published in 2005.

The book was given to the library to commemorate the historic 100 year anniversary of women's right to vote in America on August 18th. The library is also hosting a new pop-up exhibit from the National Archives, Rightfully Hers, which explores the history of the ratification of the 19th amendment, women’s voting rights before and after the 19th amendment, and its impact today.  Although it is not available for public viewing, it can be viewed virtually through this online video here.  

The Salinas Public Library encourages everyone to register to vote!  It's a right that many spent years fighting for!